Friday, March 15, 2013

Vampire Facial- Safe? Worth It?

Being the reality TV junkie I pretend not to be, this week I watched a few minutes of  Kourtney and Kim Take Miami. In the beginning of the episode we watch as Kim Kardasian subjects herself to a "Vampire Facial".

US Weekly

The Vampire Facial, also known as Dermal Blood Fillers, is a new trend meant to revitalize skin and produce firmer, younger looking skin. The procedure involves removing the patient's blood from his arm, placing it in a centrifuge to spin and allowing the blood parts to separate.


The plasma is then injected into various parts of the patient's face in the hopes that it will give a more youthful appearance to the skin; the cells within the plasma should support collagen production and an abundance of growth cells. The injection should be YELLOW, not red which makes me believe Kim's blood wasn't centrifuged enough to produce a good amount of plasma.


There has not been statistically significant scientific evidence to support this "age-defying" remedy and it's efficacy. However plasma, which is rich in nutrients and antioxidants has been shown to aid in skin regeneration. The real anomaly here is, if blood already circulates throughout the body and is essentially already under all skin (including the face), it is necessary to add more blood/plasma to the skin in an effort to combat aging?

Do understand that this procedure does have some risk, as using needles always carries a risk of infection. If it is done at a medical spa it does not have to be done by a doctor, so long as the spa is licensed under a physician. Also be prepared to pay as much as $1,000-$1,500 with each session, more if you add extra fillers to the package.....unless of course you're an Oscar nominee and scored a free session in your swag bag! Results vary from a few days to months depending on the person.

Kim Kardasian is only 32 so I am not sure why she is already subjecting herself to procedures in attempts to defy aging. She has already Botoxed, Lipoed, and God knows what else. One thing's for sure, it keeps people talking about her.

Would you consider getting a Vampire Facial?
Watch the clip below


  1. I wanted to know why she was already doing these things to herself at such a young age myself. Personally, I'm down for aging as it comes (at least for right now anyway LOL). But to have had botox and attempting chemical peels at 30 something is crazy. It's ridiculous, in fact, and might indicate a problem with her, or society, or both. I'm just hoping younger people won't start picking up on this. It seems like the people utilizing these procedures are getting younger and younger. Very sad.

  2. Awful. She'll do just about anything. Sad thing, so many young girls loop up to her. ick.

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